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Highway 1 Suite |
Highway 1 Suite provides access to the following applications: FAZBASIC, FAZWEAVE, FAZRAMP, and FAZEF. (Basic Freeway Segments, Freeway Weaving Segments, Freeway Merge and Diverge Segments, Design Superelevation Rates, and Design Coefficients of Side Friction) |
Highway 2 Suite |
Highway 2 Suite provides access to the following applications: FAZBICYCLE and FAZPEDESTRIAN. (Off-Street Facilities, Signalized Intersections, Urban Street Segments, and Urban Street Facilities) |
BRTS Evaluation and Design Tool | Bus Rapid Transit System Evaluation and Design Tool (BEAD)
FREE Access to all Fazio Engineerware website visitors from SGArchitects, New Delhi, India. Required opening password: BRTSpassenger |
Highway 3 Suite |
Highway 3 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZMULTILANE. (Multilane Highways with automobile and bicycle modes) |
Highway 4 Suite |
Highway 4 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZTWOLANE. (Two-Lane Highways with automobile and bicycle modes) |
Bicycling Level of Service Evaluation Tool | Cycling Level of Service Evaluation Tool (CyLOS)
CyLOS assists planners and designers in developing an effective nonmotorized transport (NMT) infrastructure, which attracts both choice and captive riders. CyLOS's objective is to allow planners, designers, and decision makers easy access to objective evaluation of proposed and implemented projects at the corridor level, city level, and transit area level. The availability of such data will direct attention and corrective action towards specific development, implementation and operation issues, resulting in a user appropriate infrastructure. Such efforts in the long term, when replicated across the city, would ensure better utility of investments made in nonmotorized transport, generating higher use and better public image. FREE Access to all Fazio Engineerware visitors upon registration at the CyLOS website. Non Motorised Transport Planning and Design Guideline |
Highway 5 Suite |
Highway 5 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZINTERCHANGE (Ramp Terminal Spacing, Ramp Acceleration Length, and Ramp Deceleration Length) |
Highway 6 Suite |
Highway 6 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZAWSC (All-Way STOP-Controlled Intersections) |
Interactive Highway Safety Design Model |
Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) - Highway Safety Manual (HSM) Predictive Method IHSDM is a suite of software analysis tools used to evaluate the safety and operational effects of geometric design decisions on highways. IHSDM is a decision-support tool. It provides estimates of a highway design's expected safety and operational performance and checks existing or proposed highway designs against relevant design policy values. Results of the IHSDM support decision-making in the highway design process. Intended users include highway project managers, designers, and traffic and safety reviewers in State and local highway agencies and in engineering consulting firms. The software includes six evaluation modules: Crash Prediction, Policy Review, Design Consistency, Traffic Analysis, Driver/Vehicle and Intersection Review. To the extent possible, the Crash Prediction Module (CPM) faithfully implements Part C (Predictive Method) of AASHTO's 1st Edition HSM for evaluating rural two-lane highways, rural multilane highways, and urban/suburban arterials, as well as supplement materials on freeway segments and freeway ramps/interchanges. FREE Access to all Fazio Engineerware visitors upon registration at the IHSDM website. |
Highway 7 Suite |
Highway 7 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZROUNDABOUT (Roundabouts) |
TRansportation ANalysis and SIMulation System | TRansportation ANalysis and SIMulation System (TRANSIMS) The TRansportation ANalysis and SIMulation System (TRANSIMS) was developed in response to State Department of Transportations' and Metropolitan Planning Organizations' need for more accurate and more sensitive travel forecasts for transportation planning and emissions analysis. The development of TRANSIMS has been funded by the Federal Highway Administration, the Federal Transit Administration and the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy of the United States Department of Transportation, and by the Environmental Protection Agency. FREE download to all Fazio Engineerware visitors at the sourceforge website. |
Highway 8 Suite |
Highway 8 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZTWSC (Two-Way STOP-Controlled Intersections) |
Math 1 Suite |
Math 1 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZPRIME. (Prime number generator for pseudo-random numbers and pseudo-random variates) |
Math 2 Suite |
Math 2 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZFIT. (Curve fitting that produces sum of squares, sums, equation coefficients, R-squares, corrected R-squares and best equation) |
Highway 9 Suite |
Highway 9 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZSIGHT (Intersection Sight Distances and Placement of Sight Obstructions) |
Transit 1 Suite |
Transit 1 Suite provides access to the following application: FAZSTATION (Doorways, Ticket Vending Machines, Faregates, Walkways, Passenger Circulation Areas, Moving Walkways, Stairways, Escalators, Elevators/Lifts, Ramps) |
ITEms Archive |
ITEms Archive provides access to the following application: FAZITEMS (Illinois Section Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) ITEms Newsletter Archive) |
Document Repository |
Document repository provides access to the following application: FAZDOCS (A digital repository of vintage transportation related user's guides and manuals.) |